La sfarsitul lui iulie am ajuns pentru prima data la Baile Olanesti, actiune determinata de anuntarea deschiderii unui impresionant Spa resort in micuta localitate din muntii Olteniei, a carei prima atestare documentara dateaza din iulie 1527 si, unde, ce sa vezi, chiar Tudor Vladimirescu se retragea cu boierii sai pentru a se odihni si testa puterea tamaduitoare a izvoarelor minerale.

Sincer, m-am bucurat sa aflu ca se intampla ceva atat de inovativ in zona si ca a inceput tranzitia de la imaginea prafuita a statiunilor montane adesea nedreptatite, catre folosirea inteligenta a resurselor naturale si a frumusetii peisajului inconjurator. Desigur, majoritatea prietenilor si cunoscutilor mei au pufnit in hohote de ras atunci cand le-am spus ca merg in weekend la Baile Olanesti si am fost tinta preferata a remarcilor “Deh, vine si vremea de mers la bai si tratament / weekend de pensionari / ai trimitere de la medicul de familie pentru namol si apa sulfuroasa / etcetera”

Dupa un drum de 3 ore, din care una a fost iesirea din Bucuresti, si ultima jumatate de ora a fost umbrita de verdele brazilor si fosnetul lor in aerul de munte, am ajuns la Baile Olanesti si initial, am crezut ca intrasem intr-o carte postala din anii ’60. Atmosfera retro a statiunii este bine reprezentata de hotelurile si vilele vechi din caramida, cu pridvoare de lemn, multe reconditionate, intre care se afla pravalioare cu suveniruri si clasicele legume/fructe/apa/sucuri. In rest, liniste, susurul izvorului care trece prin centru, racoare si verdele stufos al padurii ce patrunde din cand in cand in localitate si se retrage inconjurand-o din toate partile.


Daca de la podul din centru urci usor pe una din stradutele pietruite, ajungi in cateva minute la cladirea ce adaposteste complexul Tisa Spa Resort, care, pe o suprafata de 4.000 mp cuprinde o lume intreaga de experiente wellness: piscine, jacuzzi-uri exterioare, piscine pentru copii, tobogane, saune, hammam, baie de abur, salina, locuri de joaca, un Spa Herbal Casa Naturii, sala de fitness, zone de relaxare spatioase, atat in interior, cat si cu sezlonguri la soare, pe terase, cateva baruri si terase-restaurant.

Programele Tisa Spa, peste 40, au la baza proceduri traditionale romanesti inspirate din natura si transpuse in prezent, alegerea echipei fiind de a lucra predominant cu branduri romanesti in crearea meniului de terapii, precum Plantavorel, Pell Amar si Farmec, cu indelungata si recunoscuta istorie in cercetare si in tratamente de infrumusetare.

Colectia de tratamente semnatura Tisa, denumita Farmacia Naturii, se bazeaza pe extracte de plante romanesti, din flora locala a zonei, ca roinita, busuioc, salvie, geranium care se regasesc in meniu sub forma de bai de plante iar terapiile poarta nume ca Ritualul Reginei Maria (cu extract de violete, parfumul semnatura al Reginei), Coloana Infinitului – o terapie pentru spate cu namol sapropelic, Aromaremediu, Pasarea Maiastra sau Tinerete fara Batranete, toate capitalizind proprietatile farmaceutice ale extractelor de plante, namolului pur, algelor si celorlalte ingrediente active autohtone apreciate de multa vreme peste hotare.

Conceptul Spa dezvoltat aici de Oana Manole se bazeaza pe resurse proprii in crearea meniului de proceduri si celebreaza “mostenirea lui Brancusi, a Reginei Maria si a lungului sir de tamaduitori români care au tinut vii traditiile de infrumusetare, stare de bine si terapie”.

Am ales sa testez Ritualul Reginei Maria, un tratament de frumusete pentru corp, care dureaza 50 de minute si incepe cu o exfoliere-masaj facuta cu scrub organic, continuand cu impachetarea corpului in argila ghassoul (detoxifianta si remineralizanta) si apa de trandafiri, si a talpilor in prosoape umede, incalzite. Pe durata celor 20 de minute de impachetare, mainile dibace ale Cristinei, terapeuta care a avut grija de relaxarea mea, mi-au facut un masaj minunat al scalpului, folosind uleiul de cocos pentru aromaterapie si hidratare. A urmat un dus si apoi masajul cu unt de shea si ulei de violete (esenta preferata a Reginei Maria), foarte placut, care m-a destins total si aproape m-a adormit. In acest timp, pielea devenise catifelata si vizibil mai neteda dupa ce absorbise ingredientele nutritive folosite in timpul procedurii. Dupa incheierea ritualului, am iesit pe terasa de la Spa si mi-am continuat relaxarea cu doua ore de plaja la inaltime si vedere la crestele verzi ale brazilor proiectate razlet pe cerul albastru de vara.

Mi-a placut foarte mult decorul personalizat al camerelor de masaj (8 la numar), denumite Iasomie, Roinita, Salvie, Catina, Busuioc, Caprifoi, Sulfina si Dafin, care au fiecare cate un perete pictat delicat de artista Rebecca Anamaria Ciuca din Craiova. Este un element de design pe care care il intalnesc pentru prima data in decorul unui Spa autohton si care m-a cucerit, pictura mea preferata fiind cea din camera Iasomie.



Este spectaculos decorul sectiunii Hammam, atat prin amplitudine, spatiu alocat, cromoterapie, cat mai ales prin masa uriasa din marmura incalzita, de culoarea ciocolatei, pe care se face exfolierea aceea totala cu manusa kessa si spuma de sapun negru. De incercat data viitoare.

Bref, m-a impresionat mult ceea ce am vazut, gasit si experimentat la Tisa Spa, de la concept, la executie, de la idee, la atentia desavarsita si armonia detaliilor de decor, de la autenticitate si firesc, la complexitate, de la entuziasmul echipei, la determinarea si implicarea foarte tinerei Ioana Rebenciuc, Spa Manager si director operational Tisa Group.

Last but not least, de la intuitia mea ca voi gasi ceva special aici, la Olanesti si realitatea ca Baile intra rapid in prezent, trebuie doar sa privim cu atentie in jur, sa ascultam natura si, in momentul in care incepem sa actionam, ea, Natura, vine firesc in ajutor, completand desavarsit de frumos ceea ce oamenii doresc sa evidentieze. Cine nu ma crede, sa mearga la Baile Olanesti si sa faca o plimbare de seara pe aleea pietruita ce inconjoara statiunea, prin padurea intunecat de racoroasa, sa manance zmeura, afine si mure culeasa de acolo si sa asculte pârâul presarat cu plante si trunchiuri vechi de copaci. Vorbim apoi.


 English version text:

In late July I arrived for the first time at Baile Olanesti, action determined by the opening announcement of an impressive Spa resort in the small town in the mountains of Oltenia, whose first document dates from July 1527 and where, what to see, even Tudor Vladimirescu retreat with his governors to rest and test the power of healing mineral springs.

Frankly, I was glad to find out that something happens so innovative in the area and beginning the transition from the dusty image of mountain resorts -often wronged- to the intelligent use of natural resources and beauty of the surrounding landscape. Of course, most friends and acquaintances snorted in laughter when I told them that I intended to for weekend at Olanesti and I was their favorite target of the remarks “Deh, comes the time to go to medical bathrooms and treatment / weekend retirees / de you have a recipe from your family doctor for mud and sulphurous water / etcetera “…

After a journey of 3 hours, one of which was the exit from Bucharest, and the last half hour was overshadowed by green trees and rustling their mountain air, we arrived at Olanesti and initially, I thought I had entered into a postcard from the 60s. Retro atmosphere of the resort is well represented with hotels and villas in old brick with wooden porches, many reconditioned, among which are shops with souvenirs and classic vegetable / fruit / water / juices. Otherwise, silence, mountain spring murmur passing through the center of dense forest and green coolness that enters from time to time in the little town, surrounding withdraws from all sides.

If you cross the bridge downtown and easily climb on one of the cobbled streets, takes few minutes to get in the building complex that houses Tisa Spa Resort, on an area of 4,000 square meters encompasses a whole world of experiences wellness: swimming pools, Jacuzzis, outdoor children’s pools, slides, saunas, Hammam, steam bath, salt, playgrounds, a Spa Herbal House Nature, gym, spacious seating areas, both indoors as well sunbeds and sun terraces, several bars and restaurant terraces. Tisa Spa programs are based on traditional Romanian procedures inspired by nature and transposed currently choice is to work with brands predominantly Romanian for menu of therapies, as Plantavorel, Pell Amar and Farmec, all with a long and recognized history in research and beauty treatments. Tisa collection of signature treatments, called Nature’s Pharmacy, rely on Romanian plant extracts from local flora, like lemon balm, basil, sage, geranium that found in menu form of herbal baths.Therapies bear names like ritual Queen Mary (extract violet scent signature of Queen),Endless Column – therapy back with mud, Aroma-remedy, Magic Bird or Eternal Youth, all capitalize pharmaceutical properties of plant extracts, pure mud, algae and other active ingredients indigenous appreciated for a long time abroad.

Spa concept was developed here by Oana Manole rely on local own resources to create the menu of procedures and celebrates “Brancusi’s legacy, Queen Mary and long series the Romanian healers who kept alive the traditions of beauty, wellness and therapy.”  

I chose to test ritual Queen Mary, a beauty treatment for the body, which lasts 50 minutes and starts with an exfoliating massage done with scrub organic, continuing with the packaging body in ghassoul clay (detoxifying and re-mineralizing) and rose water, and soles in heated wet towels. During the 20 minute packing, skillful hands of Cristina therapist who took care of my relaxation, have done a wonderful scalp massage using coconut oil for aromatherapy and hydration. I took a shower and then a massage with shea butter and oil of violets (essence favorite of Queen Mary), very pleasant, that I was totally relaxed and I almost fell asleep. During this time, my skin became noticeably softer and smoother after absorbed nutritive ingredients used during the procedure. After the conclusion of the ritual, I went out on the terrace at Spa for two hours sunny relaxation in height overlooking green trees designed scanty on a blue summer sky.

I really liked the personalized decor of massage rooms (eight in number), named Jasmine, Lemon balm, Sage, Catina, Basil, Honeysuckle, Sulfina and Bay, each having a wall delicately painted by artist Rebecca Anamaria Ciuca from Craiova. It is a design element that I met for the first time in setting of a local Spa that won instantly my attention, my favorite being the painting of Jasmineroom. Hammam section is spectacular scenery both for its breadth, space allocation, chromo therapy, and especially by the huge marble table heated, in color of chocolate, the place for total exfoliation made with kessa glove and black soap foam. To try next time.

Brief, it impressed me so much what I’ve saw, found and experienced at Tisa Spa, from concept to execution, from idea, to constant attention and harmony in details of decor, by authenticity and naturally, from the complexity to the enthusiasm of the team, the determination and the involvement of very young Ioana Rebenciuc, Spa Manager and Group Chief operating Officer Tisa. Last but not least, from my intuition that I will find something special here at Olanesti and the speed  Baile Olanesti are quickly enter in present times, you just have to look carefully around, listen to nature and at the moment people begin to act, the Nature, comes naturally in aid, completing consummate nicely what people want to highlight. Who does not believe me, has to go to Olanesti and make an evening stroll on the alley paved surrounding the resort through the dark, cool forest, eat raspberries, blueberries and blackberries picked from there and listen to the creek dotted with plants and trunks old trees. We talk then.

Casa Naturii de la Baile Olanesti: Tisa Spa Resort

Photo credits: Tisa Spa Resort, personal archive Ruxandra Chiurtu


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