Noul antrenor principal al echipei HCM Râmnicu Vâlcea va fi FLORENTIN PERA


Noul antrenor principal al echipei HCM Rm.Vâlcea va fi FLORENTIN PERA, fostul tehnician secund al echipei de senioare a României din perioada 2012-2015 (participantă în acesată perioadă la Campionatul European din Serbia și Campionatul Mondial din Ungaria și Croația).
FLORENTIN PERA este deținător al licenței Master Coach, printre echipele antrenate de el se numără CSM Roman, echipă cu care a participat doi ani în Cupa EHF și sezonul trecut la Dunărea Brăila, cu care a participat de asemenea în Cupa EHF.

Pentru cei care îl cunosc mai puțin, vă prezentăm CV-ul noului nostru antrenor:

1990 -1997 > Junior LPS Resita
1997- 2001 > Division A and National League Player ‘’Arbema Arad’’
2001-2004 > Ucm Resita Player 2003-2004 > National League promotion with Ucm Resita
2002 -2004 > Coach at L.P.S. RESITA
2004-2006 > Coach C.S. Universitatea Resita – third place in Division A
2006-2007 > National League Coach at S.C. Muresul, Tg. Mures
2007-2008 > National League Coach at C.S.M Cetate Deva
2008 – 2009 > Coach at C.S. Universitatea Resita – first place in Division A (promotion)
2009 – 2011 > Coach at C.S. Universitatea Resita – National League
2009 > National Champion at the University Championship with the women’s university handball team from ‘’Eftimie Murgu’’ University Resita
2010 > National Champion at the University Championship with the women’s university handball team from ‘’Eftimie Murgu’’ University Resita
2011 > National Champion at the University Championship with the women’s university handball team from ‘’Eftimie Murgu’’ University Resita
2011-2012 > National League Coach at C.S.U Neptun Constanta
2012 -2015 > Assistant coach at the Romanian national team (senior level)
2012 > Assistant coach of the Romanian national team at the European Handball Championship Serbia
2013 > Qualification and participation as Assistant coach of the Romanian national team at the World Handball Championships in Serbia
2014 > Qualification and participation as Assistant coach of the Romanian national team at the European Handball Championships in Hungary / Croatia
2013-2016 > National League Coach at H.C.M. Roman
2013-2014 > Third Place at the end of the regular season and 5th place after the play-offs
2013-2014 > Romanian Cup runner-up and qualification in Winner’s Cup
2014-2015 > Romanian Supercup Runner-up
2014-2015 > Winner’s Cup Last 16
2014-2015 > 4th place – National League and qualification in EHF Cup
2015-2016 > 5th place – National League
2015-2016 > EHF Cup Last 16
2015-2016 > Romanian Cup Runner-up and qualification in EHF Cup
2016-2017 > National League at Universitatea Cluj
2017-2018 > Women’s EHF Cup ,qualification round 2 with H.C.DUNAREA Braila
2017-2018> bronze medal in Final Four-Romanian Cup with HC DUNAREA Braila


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